Nanaimo Beekeepers Club
Articles and Information from our Members

Producing Queen Cups for Grafting
Brenda Jager – Master Beekeeper spoke at our June meeting about Producing Queen Cups for Grafting without the use of Plastic. Here is a series of pictures to follow the process.
The Buzz Around Registering Your Bees – New Registration System
The Buzz Around Registering Your Bees – New Registration System
How you register your bees in BC has changed. As of early 2022 the new registration it will be mandatory to register your apiaries but registration remains at no cost.
Asian Giant Hornet – Monitoring on the Central Island 2021
In 2020, there were no confirmed sightings on Vancouver Island. Two more years of monitoring are needed to declare Vancouver Island free and clear of the Asian Giant Hornet (AGH). Half of the confirmed sighting in 2020 in Washington State were from private citizens rather than from traps, and all confirmed BC sightings were reported rather than found in traps.
Farm Crime – Invasion of the Murder Hornets
Dedicated beekeepers in British Columbia discover the first “murder hornet” nest in North America, and wage war against the honeybee’s deadliest natural predator.
Swarm Catching
All you need to know about catching a swarm of bees!
Queen Acceptance and Queen Supersedure
Video by Bob Binnie regarding issues with queen acceptance and queen supersedure were addressed at a meeting of the Charleston Area Beekeepers Association in Charleston, SC.
Why did my Honey Bees die?
Learning to identify a common cause of winter death in northern climates.
by Megan Milbrath, Michigan State University Extension, 2018
Asian Giant Hornet – Looking Back, Looking Forward
In 2020, the BC Ministry of Agriculture typically had a focussed monitoring approach to the Asian Giant Hornet (AGH) on several levels.
For 2021, the Ministry will implement a surveillance program again and possibly with radio tagging technology.
Submitting Samples for Disease Identification
Laboratory diagnostic services are free for BC beekeepers. Test results can only be as good as the quality of the submitted sample. Don’t submit samples with large amounts of debris and foreign materials. Samples should be submitted as follows: Brood Cell Samples•...
BC Provincial Apiculture Beekeeper Resources
The BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Fisheries (Ministry) Apiculture branch provides a number of resources and services to beekeepers.